Cart Alert Extension for opencart is a well thought out and excellently made module that allow an admin to send emails for those customers who have products in there cart. An alert mail template with those products will be send regularly as per admin setting for number of days.
– Enable or disable module in Admin
– Admin can set number of days after which mail will be sended.
– Admin can set message for mail template.
– VQMOD base, No need to change in core files.
Installation Instructions:
1. Run path/vqmod/install to install VQMOD (if it is not installed before).
2. Put cartalert.xml in vqmod/xml folder.
3. Run path/vqmod/install/cartalert.php to install database for this module.
Note: The module must be enabled.
If you have permission issue:
Login to admin panel > Go to system > User > User groups > Click on edit of top administrator > then select all to access permission and modify permission.
In case of any query please contact us for Support.
Installation Instructions
1. Please ensure to installed vqmod. If you don’t want to install vqmod then please run the scrict on point no 2 from other path.
2. Run path/vqmod/install/cartalert.php to install database file for this module.
If you have permission problem *
Login to admin panel > Go to system > User > User groups > Click on edit of top administrator > then select all to access permission and modify permission.
It will work fine now.
Enjoy !
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