Make An Offer


Make an Offer is an OpenCart extension that allows an admin to set offer on selected products. This offer will be the minimum price for a product. A user can bid for that product for a number of attempts set by admin for the offer price.
Supported Versions : Opencart version


Front End
Back End
Username/Password : demo/demo123

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: ,


Make an Offer for opencart is a well thought out and excellently made module that allows an admin to set offer on selected products. This offer will be the minimum price for a product. A user can bid for that product for a number of attempts set by admin for the offer price. If the bid is less than minimum price set by admin, it would be considered invalid and the customer will get another chance to make a bid. If the bid is more than minimum price, the customer would get the product at that bid price.

– Enable or disable module in Admin
– Admin can set maximum no of attempts for the offer price.
– Admin can set offer price by minimum price or on the percent basis.
– A user can enter/bid for the offer price.
– VQMOD base, No need to change in core files.

Installation Instructions:
1. Run path/vqmod/install to install VQMOD (if it is not installed before )
2. Put makeoffer.xml in vqmod/xml folder.
3. Run path/vqmod/install/makeoffer.php to install database for this module.

If you have permission problem *
Login to admin panel > Go to system > User > User groups > Click on edit of top administrator > then select all to access permission and modify permission.

It will work fine now.

In case of any query or support please email at sales[at]opensourcetechnologies[dot]com

You can also contact us for Support of this Extension.

Additional information


Supported Version


Date Added



Multiple Domain, Single Domain


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